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1) turn in a circle 2) turn the head = attract someone's attention; 3) apprehension; 4) congregate/ live; 5) samsara)/ [syn: la sngon chad dang, 'jig rten, thun mong chos, sdug bsngal 'byung gnas, ma rig khams, gtzug lag dang po, zhi 'dzin pa, yang srid, srid pa] turn round/ about, go round, circle, turn, spin, rotate, cycle, revolve, take one's turn, go around, wander, walk around, circumambulate, ramble, move around, be surrounded, encircled, return, travel through, transmigrate, be present, hang around, be drawn to, be magnetized, surround, encircle, gather, think of, come to one's mind, elapse, complete a cycle (of time), spin (of the head) life-cycle, revolution, cyclical existence (of sentient beings who suffer through the round of rebirth) transmigratory existence, round of existence, vicious circle, sangsara, samsaric world, world.] [IW]
breaker or destroyer of transmigratory existence, name of a former tathagata, krakuchanda, 1 of previous 7 buddhas, SA sangs rgyas rab bdun [JV]

samsara, fictitious being, turn, use, utilize, apply, cyclical existence, transmigration, walk around, revolve, cycle, rotate, wheel, world, turn round, circumambulate, walk all round, elapse, be completed, be formed, perfected, rotatory existence, round of transmigration, cyclic existence, cyclic life, to linger in [JV]
lit. "breaker of transmigratory existence. Krakucchanda, [the fourth buddha in this aeon, kalpa]. Syn [[sangs rgyas 'khor ba 'jig]] [RY]

cyclic existence [thd]
"breaker of transmigratory existence," Krakucchanda [4th buddha in this kalpa) 1 of the sangs rgyas dpa' bo bdun] [IW]

Samsara. 'Cyclic existence,' 'vicious circle' or 'round' of birth and death and rebirth within the six realms of existence, characterized by suffering, impermanence, and ignorance. The state of ordinary sentient beings fettered by ignorance and dualistic perception, karma and disturbing emotions. Ordinary reality, an endless cycle of frustration and suffering generated as the result of karma [RY]
"breaker of transmigratory existence," Krakucchanda [IW]
to turn around [RY]
1) turn in a circle; 2) turn the head = attract someone's attention; 3) apprehension; 4) congregate/ live; 5) samsara [IW]
cyclic life [RY]
cyclic existence/ samsara; to be caught up in/ move through/ circle in samsara [RB]
to be caught in cyclic existence [RY]
to rotate, spin; Samsara, cyclical existence, [samsara]; [['khor ba, 'khor ba, 'khor ba]] intr. v.; 1) to turn round, to turn about, to go round, 2) Samsara, samsaric world. cyclic existence/ samsara. life-cycle, revolution, the cyclical existence of sentient beings who suffer through the round of rebirth. phenomenal, transmigratory existence, round of existence, vicious circle. v. to circle, turn, spin, rotate, cycle, revolve, take one's turn, go around, to wander, walk around, circumambulate, ramble, move around. 3) to be surrounded, encircled. 4) to return. 5) travel through, transmigrate. 6) presence. 7) to be present, hang around, be attracted, drawn to, magnetized. 8) to surround, encircle. Syn [[skor ba]] 9) to attract, magnetize, draw to, in, gather. Syn [[bsdu]] 10) to think of, come to one's mind. 11) to elapse, complete a cycle [of time] 12) to spin [of the head], be dizzy 13) world [RY]

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Revision as of 08:13, 28 December 2005

breaker or destroyer of transmigratory existence, name of a former tathagata, krakuchanda, 1 of previous 7 buddhas, SA sangs rgyas rab bdun [JV]

lit. "breaker of transmigratory existence. Krakucchanda, [the fourth buddha in this aeon, kalpa]. Syn sangs rgyas 'khor ba 'jig [RY]

"breaker of transmigratory existence," Krakucchanda [4th buddha in this kalpa) 1 of the sangs rgyas dpa' bo bdun] [IW]

"breaker of transmigratory existence," Krakucchanda [IW]