dngos: Difference between revisions

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explicit, actual, direct [RY]
personal present [JV]

actual, direct, explicit [thd]
present, gift [IW]
1) reality, real, actual, incarnate, genuine, explicit, direct, concrete, to exist actually to have real existence, proper, fully, concreteness, manifest, ture, in person, reality, embodiment, concreteness, embodiment. 2) abbr. [[dngos po]] 3) ground luminosity, substance, thing. 4) has himself // true; the main; actuality; actual expression/ presence; actual, real [RY]
actuality; actual expression/ presence; isc. (logical) proposition/ assertion; tangible; true/ real/ actual; substance [RB]
sangs rgyas kun dngos - embodiment of all Buddhas [RY]
five meanings acc to Bodong: 1) actual, true [opp to [[btags pa ba]] metaphorical]. 2) principal, primary [opp to [[zhar]] secondary]. 3) explicit [clearly indicated by words and so forth, opp to [[shugs]] implicit]. 4) direct [without intermediary, opp to [[rgyud]] indirect]. 5) self [opp to [[gzhan]] other] [ggd] [RY]
material reality, real, actual, explicit, in person, original, reality, very self, proper, genuine, true, positive, chief, principal, concreteness [JV]
real[ity], [real] existence [-t]/ thing, matter, material, (objective entity, substance, substantiality, property, goods, given thing, perceivable entity serving as a base for cognition/ imputation, substance, substantial entity, functional/ effective thing, that which is able to perform a function, subject, category, that which corresponds to the meaning of a word, fact, phenomena, activity, being, essence, article (in a household, (conditioned entity, [[yod pa]], [[ngo bo]], nature, [[dgongs pa]], meaning, solidity, impermanent thing, objects, Bhava, (8th year, male wood dog [[shing pho khyi]], topic, exist[ent], ground luminosity, actual[ly][ity], incarnate, genuine, explicit, direct, proper, full, concrete[ness], manifest, the main [part], embodiment; 1) direct, in person, face to face unconcealed perception; 2) directly, not through another; 3) not made up/ false but true/ original, genuine [IW]
sangs rgyas dngos - the Buddha in person [RY]
the model [after which an imitation is made] [RY]

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Revision as of 09:49, 28 December 2005

personal present [JV]

present, gift [IW]