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lower robe sewn in pieces aantarbas: [IW]
extreme [thd]

lower robe sewn in pieces aantarbas: ['tsho ba'i yo byad bcu gsum gyi nang gses, chos gos rnam gsum gyi ya gyal snam phran lnga dang glegs bu phyed dang gnyis pa, tshad zheng du khru do dang srid du khru lnga'am bzhi, tha ma lte ba man chad pus mo yan chad de 'khor gsum khebs pa'i tshad kyang rung la, lus sbom pas mi yogs na ral kha dpung chad bsnan kyang rung ba'i smad gos shig bod du yongs grags su sham thabs zhes par grags, [IW]
edge, border [RY]

petticoat-like clothes, vest for lower part of body, sort of petticoat, toga worn by lamas, under garment worn by lamas [JV]
limit(ation)/ extreme/ boundary; isc. scope; isc. (utmost) extent [RB]

lower robe sown in pieces [RY]
final [letter (anta)/ conclusion], fringe, boundary, limit[ing concept/ position (phil], limitation, ultimate, extreme, final[ity], side, brink, brim, shore, flank, end[ing], edge, margin, creation, point, end, border, tip [IW]
extreme, alternatives, last, limitations, border, boundary, limit, edge, margin, skirt, periphery, limiting concept, end (space or time), brink, termination, conclusion, terminal letters, shape, the utmost, the last, foreign, brim, outer, verge, SA cha shas, poles, conceptual limits, at the end, limitation [JV]
1) [anta] end, limit, fringe, limitation, boundary, limiting concept, ultimate, final, extreme, finality. 2) side, brink, flank. [[spros pa'i mtha']] extremes. 3) end, ending, edge, margin, brink, brim, final conclusion [[mtha' sgrub pa]] creation, point, shore; extreme, limiting position [in philosophical contexts, limitation; foreign; limit, limitation, extreme, end, [anta]; limit/ extreme; sides; edge, fringe; extreme; brink; boundary; border country; basis [RY]

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Revision as of 11:31, 28 December 2005

extreme [thd]

edge, border [RY]

limit(ation)/ extreme/ boundary; isc. scope; isc. (utmost) extent [RB]

final [letter (anta)/ conclusion], fringe, boundary, limit[ing concept/ position (phil], limitation, ultimate, extreme, final[ity], side, brink, brim, shore, flank, end[ing], edge, margin, creation, point, end, border, tip [IW]

extreme, alternatives, last, limitations, border, boundary, limit, edge, margin, skirt, periphery, limiting concept, end (space or time), brink, termination, conclusion, terminal letters, shape, the utmost, the last, foreign, brim, outer, verge, SA cha shas, poles, conceptual limits, at the end, limitation [JV]

1) [anta] end, limit, fringe, limitation, boundary, limiting concept, ultimate, final, extreme, finality. 2) side, brink, flank. spros pa'i mtha' extremes. 3) end, ending, edge, margin, brink, brim, final conclusion mtha' sgrub pa creation, point, shore; extreme, limiting position [in philosophical contexts, limitation; foreign; limit, limitation, extreme, end, [anta]; limit/ extreme; sides; edge, fringe; extreme; brink; boundary; border country; basis [RY]