blo bzang rgya mtsho
blo bzang rgya mtsho [IW]
blo bzang rgya mtsho, 5th Dalai Lama [, in the 10th fire snake year b in lho kha in 'phyongs rgyas rdzong. in the water dog yea invited to Drepung, in the wood ox year the 4th Panchen from blo bzang chos kyi rgyal mtshan he took ordination, in the 11th fire ox year the 4th Panchen dang bka' mol gnang nas a subsitute mngags te man ju rgyal tshang dang 'brel lam btsugs. in the 11th water horse year gu shri bstan 'dzin chos bsgyur ba'i mtshan gnas phul nas dga' ldan palace gi srid dbang gzhi tshugs. In the water dragon year the 'jam dbyangs Emperor hrun kri'i bka' bzhin pe cin du bcar, the next year the 'jam dbyangs emperor gave hin the title nub phyogs mchog tu dge ba'i zhing gi rgyal dbang sa steng gi rgyal bstan yongs kyi bdag po thams cad mkhyen pa badzra tha ra t' la'i lama. he died in the water dog year of the 11th rabjung. (1617-1682) //1622//1625 //1637//1642 //1654// 1655 //1682//] [IW]
blo bzang rgya mtsho [5th Dalai Lama [R] [IW]
co ne bla ma - dge lugs pa master [RY]
Lobzang Gyatso [JV]