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ting nge 'dzin
Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: zhi rags dang bden bzhi sogs brtag bya'i dngos po la sems rtse gcig pa one of the 'phags lam gyi yan lag brgyad the eightfold noble path; 1) samadhi, concentration, mental focus, stabilization, meditative stabilization. meditative absorption; contemplation, state of contemplation, absorption, total involvement, undividedness, deep concentration, meditative concentration, holisticness, holistic experience, wholeness, meditative stabilization. ting nge 'dzin 'jug ldang entering and arising from samadhi. 3) Concentration, as one of the five object determining mental states, contemplation, meditative absorption, meditative trance. 4) one of the byang chub yan lag bdun the seven causes of enlightenment. 5) the three samadhis: suchness samadhi, kun tu snang ba'i ting nge 'dzin all-illuminating samadhi, rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin seed samadhi]

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