byang pa

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1) among two traditions of Tibetan medicine, holder of explanatory tradition of byang pa rnam rgyal grangs bzang; 2) byang gter lineage holder; 3) an animal medicine ['bu byang pa dmar khra, hot-bitter, heating, by its power good for rtsa nad kyi rigs dang, brgyal gzer, dri chu 'gags pa etc]; 4) northerner [IW]

1) [among two traditions of Tibetan medicine] holder of explanatory tradition of byang pa rnam rgyal grangs bzang; 2) byang gter lineage holder; 3) an animal medicine [R]; 4) northerner [IW]

a northerner, man from the north [RY]

skilled, inhabitant of the north, medicinal plant [JV]

1) * holder of explanatory tradition of byang pa rnam rgyal grangs bzang; 2) byang gter lineage holder; 3) byang pa animal med.; 4) northerner [IW]

(med) Blister beetle, Cantharide (Mylabris phalerata) (Czaja 2019)
Synonym : brang ha la, stag chung dmar khra, mo nad dpa' bo ('Jam-dpal), dmar khra (Yeshi 2017), padme (Czaya 2019).

byang pa ni / brang ha la / stag chung dmar khra / mo nad dpa' bo zer / phyi ma rgyud las / bzang ba dmar khra skyi tsher srad gseb gnas / than che ston ser grir shi bzang ba yin / ngan pa ser khra yog mo lo gseb gnas // char che nam gzhug bar dus shi ba ngan / dug ni bar gshog dkar po zug che dbyung / zhes dang shel phreng las / byang pa la ser khra dmar khra nag po sngo nag skya pa chung dang bzhi yod pa'i rtsa bshal ba la dmar khra bzang / gnyan lhog la nag po bzang / don dmar khra rno la 'jam/ dag po rno la rtsu ba / ser khra 'jam yang nus pa med / sngo nag nus pa dman la rtsub dug che'o // zhes pa 'dab brgyad rkyang drug pa'o / bar 'dab spang nas dri chung 'dul ba dgos par sman bur gsungs // rgyud las / byang pas rtsa yi nad rnams sbyong bar byed // ces bshad // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 262)

Illustration : 'Phrin Las 1987 (30_107) byang pa. 'Jam-dpal (print p 262) byang pa

Generally, 3 types are described. The black-striped type is considered superiour, but sometimes said to be poisonous. The red-striped type is good, and the yellow-striped one inferiour (Czaya 2019). Mylabris phalerata is included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 09:06, 13 February 2024 (EST)