spang tshan spu ru

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herb [[spang tshan spu ru [IW]

eriophyton wallichii benth., phyllophyton tibeticum (jacq.) c. y. wu, saxifraga gemmuligera engl. [JV]

(med) Eriophyton; Catmint
Synonym : spang mtshan pu ru (Drungtso 1999)

spang mtshan spu ru ni / mtshan rigs te / ri mtho'i rdza la skye ba rtsa dang lo ma che ba rta lpags 'dra zhing phyi nang lo sdong spu dkar gyis tum pa can / rkang pa lo mas khebs pas rnying na tsher ma 'byung ba'o // bai sngon las / ro ni kha la cung zad bsil // rnag rnams 'dul ba'i dar ya kan // rma 'tsho sha gnyen rmen pa sel // zhes byung ngo // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 164)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las 1987 (31_098) spang tshan spu ru. 'Jam-dpal (print p 164) spang mtshan spu ru

1. Eriophyton rhomboideum (Benth.) Ryding (Lamiaceae) (Kletter 2001)
2. Nepeta rotundifolia (Benth.) Benth. (Lamiaceae) Catmint (Kletter 2001)
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 11:44, 14 April 2024 (EDT)