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thal gyur pa - Prasangika [IW]

thal gyur pa - Prasangika, see {dbu ma thal gyur pa} the "Consequentialist" system / school of Madhyamaka, founded by Buddhapalita and disseminated by Chandrakirti, a Consequentialist, a Madhyamika who mainly states refutations of an opponent's assertion of any of the four extremes through the expression of a correct contradictory consequence [RY]

thal 'gyur - Prasangika; Prasangika dialectics. reductio ad absurdum of Madhyamaka. founded by Chandrakirti / {zla ba grags pa} logical consequence, 3) contradictory [RY]

thal 'gyur pa - Prasangika, "consequentialist / -ism", the "consequentialist" system of Madhyamika, founded by Buddhapaalita and disseminated by Chandrakirti, a Consequentialist, a Madhyamika who mainly states refutations of an opponents assertion of any of the four extremes through the expression of a correct contradictory consequence, consequence school [RY]

thal ba pa - NyDh: thal 'gyur ba dang don gcig. Prasangika. R75: 212.5. [mss] [RY]

phyogs mi 'dzin - non-partisan [Prasangika view] [RY]

phyogs mi 'dzin - non-partisan (Prasangika view [IW]

dbu ma thal 'gyur pa - Middle Way Consequence School; Prasangika-Madhyamika. Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {yod med kyi mtha' las 'das pa'i rang bzhin khas len thams cad dang bral bar 'dod} [RY]