rgur po

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1) vulture. 2) wild, exited, frivolous, sensual excitement, stubborn, savage, untamed, warlike servants. 3) laughter. 4) agitation. 5) sgyu rgod super illusion. comp rgod po [RY]

1) vulture; 2) warlike servants [servants divided into wild, savage / rgod and gentle, rgod ces pa are 'bangs rab kyi sde tsan yin pas are put to work as soldiers]; 3) wild, exited, frivolous, sensual excitement, stubborn, savage, untamed [comp rgod po]; 4) laughter; 5) agitation [IW]

warriors, agitation, wild, savage, vulture, elation, excitement, distractedness, lethargy, discursiveness, stubborn, vulture, agitation, thrilled [JV]