brgyal rgyab zin pa

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1) [transmit, conduct, send/ channel/ go] through/ via/ by way of; 2) continue; 3) cross; 4) [family] lineage, transmission, stream through, continue, pass [on/ down], be chained together/ connected/ linked, lineage, family, relations, ancestors, descendants, offspring [IW]

1) to transmit to conduct, to send, channel through, stream through. 2) via, go through, by way of, pass, cross, go through, to continue, pass on, down. 3) Syn brgyud pa 4) connected, linked, to be chained together. 5) continue. 6) lineage. 7) family, lineage, transmission, relations, ancestors, descendants, offspring; transmission, lineage [RY]

along, on, through [the road] [RY]

transmission, family, lineage, ancestors, offspring, race, people, nation, tantras, mystic manuals, name of collection of tantras in bstan 'gyur, SA ring brgyud, via, through, passed through, sailing [JV]