ci yang ma grub pa

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perception-sphere of Nothing Whatsoever, the activity field of nothing at all, one of the classes of gods of the gzugs med pa'i khams formless realm; realm of nothingness [RY]

sphere/ activity field of nothing at all [IW]

ordinary nothingness [JV]

field of nothingness (3rd of 4 states in formless realm) [RB]

sphere/ activity field of nothing at all [kinicany yatana, 1 of the 28 classes of gods of the gzugs med pa'i khams = formless realm, gzugs med skye mched mu bzhi all dharmas and the perceiving consciousness are limitless, no dharmas are seen which are not included in that, so 1 thinks, "there is nothing at all."] [IW]