counsel, guidance, instructions, commentaries, explanation, lead, accompanied by, bringing with, instruction, tutelage, row, order, serial arrangement, SA 'khrid pa, instruction, past of 'khrid, explanation, guiding explanation, guidance [JV]
I) pf. & imp. of 'khrid pa; 1) to lead, guide, take along, bring, accompany, explain, lead away. 2) to instruct, transmit, teach. 3) to push, pull. II) 1) instruction, guidance, teaching, discourse, direction, tutelage, explanation, guiding explanation; transmission. 2) guidance text, meditation manual. See also dmar khrid, sgom khrid. 3) row, order, sequence [RY]
1) 'Khrid pa! instruct!; 2) tri lead, guide, take along, bring, accompany, explain, instruct, transmit, teach, push, pull [p 'khrid pa lead, guide, take along, bring, accompany, pull, bring with, accompanied by, scripture, [text of] instructions]] [IW]
instructions; to instruct; to guide [RY]
(spiritual) instruction [RB]
counsel, guidance, instructions, commentaries, explanation, lead, accompanied by, bringing with, instruction, tutelage, row, order, serial arrangement, SA 'khrid pa, instruction, past of 'khrid, explanation, guiding explanation, guidance, led [JV]