chags sdang 'phel
to become, turn into [RY]
to be attracted to, love; draws it to, seduced, lured [RY]
passion, attachment, obsession, appear, arise, become, change into, turn into, animals living on surface of water, compassion, sex, be fond of, attached to, love, cling, be begotten, produced, spring up, originate, come forth, come to light, appear, lust, affection, greed, acquisitiveness, formation, congelation, agglutination, tread, SA 'chag pa [JV]
attachment; to be attached (to); passion; to form/ evolve; (phase of) formation [RB]
1) (Tha mi dad pa,; 1) desire, lust, attachment, be attached, craving for, desirous one, 1 experiencing r ga; 2) remain; 3) arise, exist, be established/ begotten/ produced/ done, creation; 4) affection, longing, compassion occurring; 5) pollution; 6) dignity; 7) bad circumstances; 8) evolution; 9) contain; 10) be proper [IW]
1) (Tha mi dad pa),, ; 1) desire, lust, attachment, be attached, craving for, desirous one, 1 experiencing r ga); 2) remain [Gnas pa'am 'jags pa Gzhis chags pa,...Lhing chags pa,...Sa bzhin du chags pa dang, rdo bzhin du gnas pa]; 3) arise, exist, be established/ begotten/ produced/ done, creation; 4) affection, longing, compassion occuring; 5) pollution (6) dignity (7) bad circumstances, (8) evolution (9) contain [byin rlabs mi chags pa - the blessing (can) not be contained] (10) be proper) [IW]
ma chags pa'i sngon rol du before our kalpa arose [RY]
chags pa, chags pa, chags pa intr. v.; 1) to be attached, desire; attachment; passion, lust, desire, craving for; the desirous one [who is experiencing desire]. 2) creation, arising, evolution; (phase of) formation; to be begotten, produced, to form/ evolve; formed, produced/ arise, come forth. 3) dignified zhi zhing chags pa peaceful and dignified; 4) pollution [RY]