thol gyis
- 1) that which liberates through hearing, "Liberation through hearing"; 2) be liberated just by hearing the dharma; 2) bar do thos grol [IW]
1) hearing and liberation; 2) that which brings "Liberation through hearing" [the objects which represent the buddhas' body, speech and mind [Gdmk] 1) chos thos pa tsam gyis grol ba; 3) Rnying ma'i gter ston karma gling pa gter nas drangs pa'i sgyu 'phrul zhi khro'i ming) [IW]
[= thos pa dang grol 1) that which liberates through hearing, "Liberation through hearing" [the objects which represent the buddhas' body, speech and mind [Gd-mk]; 2) be liberated just by hearing the dharma; 2) bar do thos grol [Rnying ma terton karma gling pas gter nas drangs pa'i sgyu 'phrul zhi khro'i ming] [IW]
liberated upon hearing, that which brings one to liberation by hearing alone [JV]
liberation through hearing thos pas grol ba liberation by hearing; that which liberates when heard [RY]