gdengs can 'dren pa

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1) face; 2) in front/ the presence of, before; 3) [sending something] by/ through/ w someone [Bang chen rdo rje'i gdong zhu yig rten dang bcas pa phul yod] cha chen.) clan, face, countenance, front, ahead, beak [IW]

"face", a synonym of cha chen clan, face, countenance, front, ahead, beak; face; face, front, ahead; beak [RY]

air, mien [RY]

face, the front, clan, faces [JV]

1) face; 2) in front/ the presence of, before; 3) [sending something] by/ through/ w someone * cha chen. clan, face, countenance, front, ahead, beak, surface [IW]