'byed pa
phyes, dbye, 1) discriminate/ distinguish; 2) divide/ separate; 3) initiate/ start; 4) differentiate; 5) open/ uncover/ disclose, unlock; 6) classify [IW]
1) open; 2) distinguish/ discriminate; 3) reveal/ uncover; 4) separate/ divide; 5) (classify; 6) do [IW]
differentiate, discern, discriminate, distinguish [thd]
distinguish, discern, discriminate, differentiate [RY]
open, divide, place apart, unloose, separate, keep asunder, disentangle, disunite, set at variance, part, divisiveness, classify, to move away from [JV]
to distinguish [RY]
to open [RY]
'byed pa / phyes pa / phyed pa/ dbye ba to differentiate/ distinguish/ analyze/ divide; analysis/ differentiation; isc. to distil [RB]
'byed pa, phye ba, dbye ba, phyes trans. v.; 1) to open, open up; uncover. 2) to separate, divide, classify. 3) to reveal; 4) to distinguish, differentiate, analyze, discriminate. Alt. past and imp. of phye or phyed or phyes fut. dbye v.n. 'bye ba 5) analysis, differentiation [RY]
discriminate between [RY]