las su rung bar byas pa

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rten gyi sgo nas lus ngag yid kyi las gsum In terms of basis there are three: karmic actions of body, of speech and of mind [RY]

las dang 'bras bu gnyis ka dkar ba gzugs khams dang gong ma myong byed kyi las, gnyis ka gnag pa 'dod par sdug bsngal myong byed, 'dres ma 'dod par bde sdug spel mar myong byed kyi las Three other kinds are: i) actions and results, which are both 'virtuous', are actions which cause experience in the form realms and upper realms; ii) actions and results, which are both 'unvirtuous', cause pain to be experienced in the desire realms; iii) 'mixtures' are actions which cause alternating experiences of pleasure and pain in the desire realms. [RY]

three types of karmic actions dge ba'i las mi dge ba'i las lung ma bstan pa'i las virtuous actions, unvirtuous actions, and undetermined actions [RY]

the three kinds of action [IW]

Mipham Rinpoche: bsod nams ni 'dod par bde ba myong byed dge ba, bsod nams min pa 'dod par sdug bsngal myong ba'i mi dge ba, mi g.yo ba'i las ni, khams gong ma gnyis 'thob byed kyi dge ba ste, de dag sa de nyid du smin pa las gzhan du mi g.yo ba'i phyir ro i) 'meritorious actions' are the virtues that create pleasant experiences within the desire realms; ii) 'nonmeritorious actions' are the nonvirtues that create painful experiences within the desire realms; and iii) 'nontransferring actions' are the virtues that make one attain the two upper realms. They are so called since, apart from ripening in their respective abodes, they do not transfer one to other abodes. [RY]

1) dge ba'i las. 2) mi dge ba'i las 3) lung du ma bstan pa'i las. Three Types of Deeds. virtuous bsod nams. or kushala unvirtuous bsod nams ma yin pa or akushala. and undynamic. or neutral mi g.yo ba or acala. three types of deeds [RY]

Mipham Rinpoche: [['bras bu skyed pa'i cha nas gsum ste, bde ba myong 'gyur gyi las ni bsam gtan gsum pa man chad du rnam smin bde ba myong ba'i rgyu byed pa'i dge ba'o, bde min sdug min myong 'gyur ni, bsam gtan gsum pa yan chad kyi khams gong ma myong 'gyur gyi las so, sdug bsngal myong 'gyur ni 'dod khams su sdug bsngal myong bar byed pa'i las mi dge ba'o]] In terms of the effect produced, there are three: i) 'actions that produce pleasant experiences' are virtues which create the cause that ripens into pleasurable experiences [within the realms] up to and including the third dhyana; ii) 'actions that produce neither pleasant nor painful experiences' are actions that produce experiences within the upper realms, above the third dhyana; and iii) 'actions that produce painful experiences' are unvirtuous actions which create unpleasant experiences within the desire realms. [RY]

3 works (lus kyi las, ngag gi las, yid kyi las) [JV]