
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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snang srid - all phenomenal existence, universe, the world of appearances and the fictions about it, appearances & existences, life forms & their experiences, beings and their worlds, appearances & beings, visible, external world appearance and existence, phenomenal world, animate and inanimate universe, universe and beings, all that appears and that exists, the universe and existence, world of appearances and possibilities, apparitional existence, worlds and beings, appearance and existence, phenomena & beings [JV]

snang srid sde brgyad - eight classes of the universe [JV]

snang srid snod bcud - possible appearances and beings in the universe; universe of appearances and possibilities; isc. universe of possibilities [RB]

snang srid ma mo'i khrugs mdos - mdos for reparation of disturbances caused to the Mamo of the universe [JV]

snod - 1) the inanimate world, vessel [of the universe/world], environment; 2) vessel, container, pot, receptacle; 2) [suitable] vessel of, worthy of [IW]

snod bcud - the universe; the (inanimate and animate) world as a container and its contents [RB]

snod bcud - the universe and beings; environment and inhabitants [RY]

snod bcud - container world and the living beings in it, the world as vessel and the sentient beings as its content, universe and its inhabitants, material world and its inhabitants, environments & their inhabitants, world of inanimate and sentient beings, environment and inhabitants, animate and inanimate worlds, all the universe and beings, all the animate and inanimate world, vase & substance, universe, world and its beings, universe and its beings [JV]

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