'gro ba'i tshul nyi shu

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the 20 manners of beings [those w conduct inclined to the two sections of transgressors [R] [IW]

the 20 manners of beings [those with conduct inclined to the two sections of transgressors [nyes byas kyi sde tsan gnyis pa spyod yul du gro ba'i sde tsan la, 1 unrestrained in body and speech lus ngag ma bsdams pa dang, two clothes gos tsags led ?? par ma bgo [divide?] ba dang, three rumor and frivolous talk ca co dang bcas pa dang, four eyes looking left and right mig gyas gyon du lta ba dang, five gnya' shing gang las ring du lta ba [looking farther than the length of a yoke dang, six wearing a hat mgo gos kyis btum pa dang, 7 forgetting to tie the shirt? sham thab sdoms snang bar brdze ba dang, 8 the upper garment thrown over on both shoulders bla gos phrag pa gnyis kar gzar ba dang, 9 both hands from the front .. the two hands folded in front lag pa gnyis mdun nas gnya' bar bsnol ba dang, 10 and from behind ... rgyab nas lhag par bsnol ba dang, 11 jumping mchong ba dang, 12 great steps gom chen spos pa dang, 13 plant the heel rting pa btsugs te tsog pur 'gro ba dang, 14 rting pa btegs nas rkang pa'i brang [chest?] gis gro ba dang, 15 gru rgyangs [far, stretch out] bcas pa dang, 16 lus kyog por bsgyur twist the body ba dang, 17 [IW]

20 manners of sentient beings [IW]

the 20 manners of beings [IW]

the 20 manners of beings [those w conduct inclined to the 2 sections of transgressors [R] [RY]