dang ba'i dad pa
lucid confidence, mibp 39, sincere faith, clear faith [JV]
Enthusiastic faith. One the three kinds of faith. A sense of strong admiration [RY]
inspired faith [thd]
faith based on awe [RB]
admiring trust, enthusiastic faith, inspired faith; inspired faith; faith based on awe; interest in/aspiration [towards the object of faith because of knowing the qualities of the object of faith] [RY]
[among dad pa bzhi, devotion arises after knowing the qualities of the object of faith] inspired/ enthusiastic/ Sincere/ pure faith [IW]
1) pure faith, lucid faith, clear faith, inspired faith, sincere faith, enthusiastic faith, admiring faith; 2) pure confidence, lucid confidence, clear confidence, inspired confidence, sincere confidence, enthusiastic confidence, admiring confidence. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]