nges don tshad ma ldan pa

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5 specific features of the Buddha level (individuality of Buddha, his realm, listeners, time of discourse, teaching), 5 certainties (ston pa, chos, 'khor, gnas, dus), SA phun sum tshogs lnga. [JV]

five certainties [IW]

nges pa lnga ldan - (endowed with) fivefold certainty [RB]

Five Certainties. These are the attributes of the body of perfect rapture, namely, those of excellent teacher (ston pa), teaching (bstan pa), retinue ('khor), place (gnas), and time (dus). [RY]

Five certainties are: 1) The certain place is the Densely Arrayed Akanishtha ('og min stug po bkod). 2) The certain teacher is Vairochana Gangchentso (rnam snang gangs chen mtsho). 3) The certain retinue are bodhisattvas of the tenth bhumi (sa bcu'i byang sems). 4) The certain teaching is the greater vehicle (theg pa chen po). 5) The certain time is the "continuous wheel of eternity" (rtag pa rgyun gyi bskor ba). [RY]