sdod pa gsum

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threefold abidance [JV]

threefold abidance. the three presences. the threefold remaining. The second of the Four Consolidations mtha' rten bzhi [RY]

3-fold abidance the three presences, [gd] the three fold remaining three presences [This, the second of the four consolidations mtha' rten bzhi according to the esoteric instructions on all-surpassing realization is explained as follows in khrid yig ye shes bla ma (1.) The bewildering thoughts of samsara are purified by the presence in which there is no abiding of the body in activity lus bya ba la mi gnas par sdod pas 'khor ba'i 'khri rtog dag (2.) The conditions of fluctuating thought cease by means of the presence in which there is no increase in vital energy rlung 'phel med du sdod pas rnam rtog gyo ba'i rkyen zad (3.) The extent of the buddhafields is reached by means of the presence in which there is no hesitation or doubt regarding appearances snang ba 'dar 'phring med par sdod pas zhing khams tshad la phebs par byed [gd] [IW]

3-fold abidance, the three presences, GD the three fold remaining [IW]