rnyed pa

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gain * get, obtain, acquire, meet with, find, have attained, found [IW]

came across; x sngon mi dbul po zhig gis nas mang du rnyed pa the story of a poor man who came across a large pile of barley [RY]

rnyed pa, rnyed pa, rnyed pa intr. v.; found. gain, one of the 'jig rten chos brgyad eight worldly dharmas. to get, obtain, acquire, to meet with, find, to have attained; to discover [RY]

gain [one of the 'jig rten chos brgyad = 8 worldly dharmas] get, obtain, acquire, meet with, find, have attained, found [IW]

game [when hunting] [RY]

follow, find, discover, acquire, meet with, get, profit, gain, property, goods, material, detect, acquired, to achieve, discover [JV]

obtained [RY]