rtog pa

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considering DKC

vitarka, thought, concept, think, deliberation, selectiveness mibp 102, conceptual division, constructive mental activity, interpretative concepts, dichotomizing intellect, mental projects, cognitive, mentality, preconceived ideas, reaction patterns, creative activity, divisive activity (most subtle stage of mentality; division into I vs. world), SA rnam rtog, kun tu rtog pa, judgmentally-conditioned grasping of experience through thought, conceptual consciousness, conceptuality, investigation, thought consciousness, consideration, reflection, scruple, hesitation, consider, examine, search into, muse upon, to conceptualize, judgments [JV]

skyon la rtog pa - to contemplate [someone's] faults [RY]

attention; legs par bsdus pa gathering your attention [RY]

conceptual cognition [ggd] [RY]

gang du'ang mi rtog pa not forming any thought whatsoever [RY]

Syn 'dzin pa to hold in mind, ponder, think about, consider [RY]

Skt parikalpana, kalpana, 1) abstraction, activity of empirical mind, concept, conception, conceptual consciousness, conceptual thought, conceptualization, discursive thought, elaborate thought activity, examining, grasping of experience through thought, introspection, idea, imputation, intellectual systemization, intention, investigation, meditation, mental activity, notion, reflection, thinking, thought consciousness, thought construction, thought. 2) Concept, as one of the four variables, Def. by Jamg?ongtr?'du byed kyi chos rnams la rtsings por 'jug pa'o]]. 3) rtog pa, brtags pa, brtag pa, rtogs trans. v. , to consider, examine, conceptualize, conceive (of), search into, look through, investigate, think, to scrutinize, search into, examine, investigate, impute [RY]

1. (Tha dad pa) brtags pa, brtag pa, rtogs,, rags par dpyod pa examine, analyze [R]; 2) chapter, occasion; 2) [discursive] thought, concept; 3) mixing rtog bcas rtog med ["half moon"? zlas phye rtog pa ste, word and meaning suitable to be mixed dzin pa'i zhen rig EG vase grasping thought; bum pa'i ming gi cha 'dra appears to the mind &, bum pa'i cha 'dra appearance both bum pa'i sgra spyi and don spyi are grasped as mixed or mixable. by means of its appearing awareness/apprehension attached to its own object] rtog dpyod gnyis kyi zlas phye ba'i rtog pa ste, gzhan 'gyur bzhi'i nang gses, depending on sems pa and prajna the conceived/ imaged thing dmigs pa'i dngos po'i don 'ol spyi tsam 'dzin pa rtsing ba'i rnam pa can gyi shes pa'o] [parikalpana] conception, thought, concept, idea, notion, thought consciousness, conceptual consciousness, conceptual thought/ consider/ thinking, conceptualization, thinking, intellectual systemization, thought construction/ the activity of empirical mind, elaborate thought activity, mental activity, investigation, examining, intention, grasping of experience through thought, introspection/ reflection, meditation Concept, as 1 of the four variables, abstraction, notion, conceptual consciousness/kalpana, thought/thought consciousness thought/thought consciousness abstraction, notion idea, conception, idea, conception, imputation, investigate, consider, examine, search into, look through [IW]

1. (Tha dad pa) brtags pa, brtag pa, rtogs,, rags par dpyod pa examine, analyze [Brgal brtags,.Rang skyon la rtog pa,.Gnas tshul la legs par brtags pa,.Las bya ba'i sngon du ma brtags na, mthar 'gyod pa skyes pas ci la phan,...Khyod cag gis rtog par gyis shig]; 2) chapter, occasion; 2) [discursive] thought, concept; 3) rtog bcas rtog med "half moon"? zlas phye rtog pa ste, word and meaning suitable to be mixed dzin pa'i zhen rig EG vase grasping thought; bum pa'i ming gi cha 'dra appears to the mind &, bum pa'i cha 'dra appearance both bum pa'i sgra spyi and don spyi are grasped as mixed or mixable. by means of its appearing awareness/apprehension attached to its own object; 4) rtog dpyod gnyis kyi zlas phye ba'i rtog pa ste, gzhan 'gyur bzhi'i nang gses, depending on sems pa and prajna the conceived/ imaged thing dmigs pa'i dngos po'i don 'ol spyi tsam 'dzin pa rtsing ba'i rnam pa can gyi shes pa'o,... [parikalpana] conception, thought, concept, idea, notion, thought consciousness, conceptual consciousness, conceptual thought/ consider/ thinking, conceptualization, thinking, intellectual systemization, thought construction/ the activity of empirical mind, elaborate thought activity, mental activity, investigation, examining, intention, grasping of experience through thought, introspection/ reflection, meditation Concept, as 1 of the four variables, abstraction, notion, conceptual consciousness/kalpana, thought/thought consciousness thought/thought consciousness abstraction, notion idea, conception, idea, conception, imputation, investigate, consider, examine, search into, look through [IW]

ordinary thinking; (conceptual) thought/ thinking; idea; to conceptualize/ conceive (of); conceptualization [RB]

1) (Tha dad pa brtags pa, brtag pa, rtogs,, [coarsely] examine, analyze, investigate, [-ion] consider, examine, search into, look through; 2) chapter, occasion; 3) [discursive/ conceptual] thought/ consciousness, concept [- ion, -ualization]; 4) mixing rtog bcas rtog med; 5) [pari]kalpana, idea, notion, intellectual systemization, thought construction/ the activity of empirical mind, elaborate thought activity, mental activity, intention, grasping of experience through thought, introspection/ reflection, meditation-concept, *, abstraction, [abstraction], imputation ([IW]

concept, examine, thought [thd]