shel ta

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kind of gum [JV]

1) larch tree sap; 2) a precious substance; 3) na gi [animal med, herb, be ill?] [IW]

(med) Pine resin
Synonyms : sa ya ba (Shel gong)
shel tas lha rus chu ser 'tson du 'dzin / zhes par / rje rang byung pas / thang chus rma yi chu ser 'dren / zhes gsungs / ming / sa ya ba zer / 'di gong du bshad pa'i thang ma sgron shing gi thang chu'o // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 243.5)
shel ta ni / thang ma sgron shing gi thang chu chu ltar dangs ma ser [skye ste?] yang som thang gi thang chur thang khrag / shug pa'i thang chur go tshan thang chu / shing tsher ma sogs gzhan tshi med pa'i rka brag bar du 'bus sprang ltar bsags pa spos dkar lta bur byi'u thang chu 'am nags ma'i thang chu zer / shel sgong las / shel tas lha rus chu ser btson du 'dzin / nags ma'i byi'u thang chus rnag 'bigs chu ser 'dzin // thang khragsu dug 'khru nad sel bar byed // ces so // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 126)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las 1987 (27_001) shel ta

See sgron shing for the tree.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 09:10, 12 March 2024 (EDT)