mthun pa
to be in agreement, to agree [RY]
intimate; 1) to agree, agreeable, friendly. 2) to harmonize, in harmony. 3) favorable, suitable, proper, appropriate. 4) according to, consistent with, conformable to, in conformity with. Syn (mthun cha, mi mthun pa adversities. thams cad dang mthun par bya act in accord with everything. mi mthun pa med pa without contradiction.(dang) mthun-pa - in harmony/ accord/ agreement with. / conducive to. (to) parallel; mthun pa, mthun pa, mthun pa [RY]
appropriate, suitable, proper, same, conducive to, favorable, conforming, amenable, agree with, be accordant, be on a par with, agree, intimate, near [JV]
agree, harmonize agreeable, friendly, in harmony, favorable, suitable, proper, appropriate according to, consistent with, conformable to, in conformity with, adversities 1. (Tha mi dad pa) mdza' ba, 'chams pa; 2) 1, alike, similar) [IW]
. . . (dang) mthun pa - in harmony/ accord/ agreement/ keeping with . . . / conducive to . . . ; (to) parallel; isc. in keeping with . . . ; conforming to . . . [RB]