dung gi thor cog

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dung gi thor cog [Indian physicians bi byi dga' byed and lha tho ri snyan btsan gyi sras mo lha lcam yid kyi rol cha gnyis kyi sras su born in the 3rd century, from youth from his father learning reg pa rtsa'i mdo, 'tsho ba zas kyi mdo, sbyor ba sman gyi mdo, gtar bsreg dpyad kyi mdo, rma chas bzo yi mdo and, de dag gi commentaries khog 'bubs, sa bcad, lag len sogs gsan te learning, private physician of king lha tho ri snyan btsan dang, his son khri snyan gzungs btsan. He Tibet gyi sman pa kun gyi phyi mo yin pa dang, ga-yu thog yon tan mgon po yang gdung rus 'di las 'phros par grags, dung gi thor cog's son blo gros chen po, and his son blo gros mtshungs med, and his blo gros rab gsal, and his blo gros rgyal mdzod, and his blo gros bshes gnyen. These successively were personal physicians of the Tibetan kings 'brong gnyan lde ru, stag ri gnyan gzigs, gnam ri srong btsan, srong btsan sgam po, however as Tibet at this time didn't have writing their teaching didn't spread widely] [IW]

dung gi thor cog [IW]