rnam thar
spiritual careers [RY]
biography [liberated careers biographies of those who attained liberation both for themselves and others Book 2, p - liberating lifestyles, being, exploits, life story, example, life, story, life example, style, work, complete liberation, examplary biography, story of a model life, perfect lives] [IW]
liberation, complete freedom, story, life, biography, example, style, work, complete escape, emancipation, memoir, hagiography, total liberation, life story [JV]
life story, example, life, story, life example, style, work, complete liberation, exemplary biography, story of a model life, perfect lives; biography, hagiography, story of liberation; hagiography, liberated careers. biographies of those who attained liberation both for themselves and others, liberating lifestyles, exploits [RY]
Namthar, perfect, or complete liberation [RY]
Life-stories [RY]
1) biography/ realization expressing shastra of holy beings; 2) liberation, hagiography, story of liberation, * liberating lifestyles, being, exploits, life story/ example, life, story, style, work, complete liberation, exemplary biography, story of a model life, perfect lives [IW]
[liberated careers biographies of those who attained liberation both for themselves and others Book 2] biography, liberating lifestyles, being, exploits, life story, example, life, story, life example, style, work, complete liberation, examplary biography, story of a model life, perfect lives [IW]
rnam par thar pa complete liberation; biography/ exemplary life/ life example [RB]