rnam par rtog pa
forming concepts; ex yul dang yul can du rnam par rtog pa forming concepts of subject and object [RY]
division (subtle), SA rnam rtog [JV]
1) bsam blo gtong ba; 2) by the mind sna tshogs dran pa [IW]
thought (patterns)/ thinking; concept(ion); conceptual process [RB]
rnam par 'byed pa conceive [distinction], grasp categories, conceptualize, evaluate, form 2ndary judgments, project concepts onto, discrimination, reflective mind forms, conceptualization, conception, chain thinking, thought chains, discursive thought [IW]
rnam rtog thoughts. Syn rnam par 'byed pa, discursive thought, conceptual thought, thinking; conception conceive [distinction], to grasp categories, conceptualize, evaluate, to form secondary judgments, discursive mind, to project concepts onto, discrimination, reflective mind forms, conceptualization, conception, chain thinking, thought chains, discursive thought; discursive thought, [vikalpa]; 5) as one of chos lnga in Mind Only, Def. by Jamg�n Kongtr�l: sems dang sems las byung ba rnam rtog ste, mtshan bcas mtshan med nyon mongs mi mongs sogs, rnam rtog gi ngo bo ni sems dang sems las byung ba rnams so [RY]