phur bu
1) Jupiter //. Jupiter - kilaka, Thursday [syn: sgra mkhan dang, sgra mkhas, bcu gnyis 'od, nyi ma'i rigs skyes, mtho ris thob, pha bdun pa, blo ldan, dbyangs bdag 'bar ba ldan, me bzhi skyes, tshig bdag rig byed bdag lha'i bla ma, lha'i slob dpon]; 2) small phur pa; 3) tongues of flame; 4) (met) sa pho sprel lo, the 42nd year, male earth monkey; 5) peg (6) strongly [IW]
1) Jupiter, kilaka, Thursday; 2) small phur pa; 3) tongues of flame; 4) sa pho sprel year, 42nd, male earth monkey; 5) peg; 6) strongly; 6) Vrihaspati, guru of the gods [IW]
metal three-sided dagger, epithet of vrihaspati, thursday, jupiter planet [JV]
Jupiter. Kilaka, [the 42nd year, Male Earth Monkey]. Thursday [the planet Jupiter]. rab byung Syn so pho sbrel peg, strongly [RY]
kila/ ritual dagger [RB]
Jupiter [RY]