phyi snyags byas

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emptiness of the external, stong nyid 16] / void of the six sense objects, void of others' five aggregates, voidness of the external and internal, syn of stong nyid nyi shu [RY]

emptiness of the external, stong nyid 16(/ void of the six sense objects, void of others's five aggregates, voidness of the external and internal, word of stong nyid nyi shu. stong nyid bcu drug gi nang gses shig ste, rnam par shes pas ma zin pa'i 'byung ba chen po bzhi dang dbang rten khog pa dang rnam par shes pa'i yul sogs bem po'i rang bzhin can ni phyi zhes bya ba dang, de dag bden par grub pa med pa ni phyi stong pa nyid do [IW]

nothingness with regard to the external [JV]