byang chub kyi sems

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bodhichitta - awakened mind, bodhichitta, bodhimind, awakened heart, mind, en lightened mind, attitude, mind, thought of enlightenment [RY]

SA byang chub sems, altruistic aspiration to enlightenment, awakening mind, bodhicitta [JV]

awakening mind; bodhichitta, mind of enlightenment, will to enlightenment, thought of enlightenment, bodhimind, awakened heart, mind of enlightenment, enlightened mind, attitude, mind, thought of enlightenment, enlightening spirit, sexual energies in a tantric context, altruistic aspiration to enlightenment. Bodhichitta, enlightened mind, the Thought of Enlightenment, [bodhichitta], enlightening attitude/ bodhichitta, mind of enlightenment [RY]

1) bodhicitta, mind/ will/ thought of enlightenment, bodhi; 2) awakening mind, awakened heart; 3) sexual energies/ enlightened mind [tantric context) with the object of benefit for others wanting to attain complete enlightenment as the main support of mahayana as the mind's specil rnam rig having two divisions of aspiring and entering smon sems dang 'jug sems [IW]

mind of enlightenment, mind set upon enlightenment [thd]

bodhisattva, bodhicitta [enlightened mind, awakened mind, bodh imind, enlightened attitude, turning the mind towards enlightenment, the bodhi-mind] [IW]

bodhisattva, bodhicitta [IW]

bodhichitta; (in mahayana contexts) awakening mind/ attitude; (in Dzogchen context) awakened/ enlightened mind; isc. semen/ bindu/ concentrated subtle energy [RB]

1) bodhicitta, mind/ will/ thought of enlightenment, bodhi; 2) awakening mind, awakened heart; 3) sexual energies/ enlightened mind [IW]