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untruth. bold, insolent, speed. Syn dkyu ba; imp. of dkyu ba; 1) length. 2) diameter. 3) imp. of dkyu. 4) adj. comp. of dkyus ma. 5) untruth. 6) bold. 7) insolent. 8) speed. 9) long. 10) untruth. 11) falsehood. 12) twisted into a point [RY]

1) length, diameter; 2) speed, run, gallop, race, run away, flee, escape, run a race, [p dkyu!]; 3) untruth, falsehood; 4) wring out, filter; 5) caper about; 6) (comp dkyus ma common, every-day, ordinary, general, inferior, coarse; 7) lay, non-clerical; 9) bold, insolent; 10) long; 11) twisted into a point; 12) secret; 13) Srid, gzhung,...Mig dkyus ring ba; 14) Rgyu spun gyi rgyu [warp threads in weaving?]; 15) pecha's main part [IW]

twisted into a point, length, length-wise, untruth, untrue, spurious, bold, insolent [JV]