saṃjñin (15652)

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Entry 15652, Page 552, Col. 2
saṃjñin¦, adj. (to saṃjñā plus -in; in all mgs., seemingly, in Pali saññin), (1) conscious, of living beings (so once in Skt., BR); (sattvāḥ…) saṃjñino vāsaṃjñino vā Vaj 20.18; (2) originating in, produced by, saṃjñā in some sense (prob. 1, consciousness): cittāni caitasika- saṃjñi-vitarkitāni (so read as cpd.) LV 151.13 (vs), thoughts, and the cogitations belonging to (arising from) thoughts and consciousness (Tib. supports this construction, sems daṅ sems byuṅ ḥdu śes rnam par rtog pa daṅ, only two co- ordinate terms; caitasika and saṃjñi both adj. with vita°); (3) having an idea, notion (saṃjñā 2 and 5): evaṃsaṃjñin Mvy 1520, 1521, having such an idea (as stated in prec.); [Page553-a+ 71] kecid viparīta-°ñino bhaveyuḥ kecid aviparīta-°ñino SP 320.12, some would have contrary notions, some not con- trary (to truth), see Mv ii.147.12--14, s.v. saṃjñā (3); parasparaṃ mātāpitṛsamjñino 'bhūvan LV 52.15 (here text erroneously °saṅgino, with v.l.); 411.18, they thought of one another as mothers and fathers (with respect and affection); (4) esp. (cf. saṃjñā 4) having a false, wrong idea: aprāpte prāptasaṃjñī (n. pl.) ca SP 272.2 (vs), imagining that they have arrived when they have not; aprāpte prāptasaṃjñino 'nadhigate 'dhigata-°ñinaḥ SP 38.14 f. (prose); aśaraṇe śaraṇa-°ñino 'maṅgalye maṅgala-°ñino LV 250.4; alene lena-°ñino (by em.) Mv i.7.7, supposing that what is no refuge is a refuge; alenā (Bhvr.) lena-°ñino (by em.) 11.15; kāmaguṇair (instr. for loc., cf. § 7.32) niguṇair (m.c. for nirg°) guṇasaṃjñinaḥ LV 206.20 (vs), in regard to the worthless (guṇa-less) kāma-guṇa (q.v.), imagining that they are worthy (are guṇas); prāptanir- vāṇa-°ñinaḥ SP 142.3, imagining that they have reached nirvāṇa; nirvāṇa-°ñino SP 101.3 (same mg.); āgata-°ñinaś ca bhaveyur nistīrṇa-°ñinaś ca SP 188.7, and would imagine falsely that they have arrived and are saved; teṣu ca sāra- °ñino bhavanti LV 249.18, and in regard to them falsely imagine that they are the chief thing; bhaveṣu āsvāda- °ñino bhavanti Mv i.79.10, cherishing the illusion of relish regarding states of being; nāsty ātma-°ñino 'raṇyavāso nāsti para-°ñinaḥ Śikṣ 199.2, forest life is not for one who has the false notions of self or other (i.e. who sees a difference there).


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