ma nu

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1) herb; 2) SK person; 3) mother's breast; 4) mineral drug; 5) the mind (6) Manu (7) 14 [IW]

1) herb; 2) [Skt] person; 3) mother's breast; 4) mineral drug; 5) the mind (6) Manu (7) 14 [caste divisions: of Indian castes kshatriya la foot soldiers, cavalry, elephant troops, charioteers, and among bhramins nags gnas &, khyim gnas, dka' thub pa; vaishyas: yig mkhan &, tshong pa, sman pa, dmangs rigs la plowers, herdsmen, clay workers, khyim gnas pa bzhi, combined 14] [IW]

mineral drug, mind, inula helenium, elecampane [JV]