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Eight great vidyadhara, receivers of the transmissions The receiver of the transmission of Manjushri was Manjushrimitra ('jam dpal bshes gnyen), the vidyadhara of Body. 2) The receiver of the transmission of Mighty Padma (pad ma dbang) (Hayagriva) was Nagarjuna (klu sgrub snying po), the vidyadhara of Speech. 3) The receiver of the transmission of Vishuddha (yang dag) was Hungchenkara (hung mdzad), the vidyadhara of Mind. 4) The receiver of the transmission of Amrita Medicine (bdud rtsi sman) was Vimalamitra (dri med bshes gnyen), the vidyadhara of Qualities. 5) The receiver of the transmission of Kilaya (phur pa) was Prabhahasti ('od kyi glang po), the vidyadhara of Activity. 6) The receiver of the transmission of Bötong (rbod gtong) was Danasanskrit (nor gyi legs sbyar), the vidyadhara of Mamo. 7) The receiver of the transmission of Möpa (dmod pa) was Shintam garbha (zhi ba'i snying po), the vidyadhara of Fierce Mantra (drag sngags). 8) The receiver of the transmission of Loka ('jig rten) was Guhyachandra (gsang ba'i zla ba), the vidyadhara of Worship (mchod bstod)


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