tsog pu

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squatting, posture of cowering, crouching upright posture, squatting posture with knees upright & together [JV]

to cower, squat, crouch down; [Syn tsog tso pu upright posture / sitting, squatting [RY]

kneeling, sitting, squatting [upright] [IW]

upright posture [RY]

gyen 'greng gi bzo dbyibs shig //mi nyal bar tsog pur sdod pa,//'bru rigs tsog pur spungs pa,//ri bong tsog pur sdod pa,//ri bo tsog pu,//mchod rten tsog pu,//'gro zhum bu las mkhas pa dang, sdod ri bong las tsog pa [IW]