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production. arising. sixth of the 'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi rnam pa bcu drug tu phye ba 16 aspects of the Four Noble Truths, strong production or growth of suffering; arising. sixth of the 'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi rnam pa bcu drug tu phye ba 16 aspects of the Four Noble Truths, strong production or growth of suffering. production; among the 16 aspects of the four truths: so so rang rang gi rgyu tha dad du nges par 'byung ba dang 'gro ba dang skye gnas la sogs pa rnam pa tha dad du 'byung ba dang 'gro ba'i mchog tu srid pa'i rtse mor 'byung ba'i byed rgyu yin pa'i phyir rab tu skye ba'i mtshan nyid can


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