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- the six bardos, gnas lugs gzhi'i bar do the ground bardo of the natural condition, 'od gsal ting nge 'dzin gyi bar do the bardo the samadhi bardo of luminosity, 'khrul snang rmi lam gyi bar do the dream bardo of deluded experience, 'byung 'khrugs 'chi ka'i bar do the death bardo of disturbed elements, lhun grub chos nyid kyi bar do the dharmata bardo of spontaneous presence, srid pa las kyi bar do the karmic bardo of becoming]. Syn the six bardos, skye gnas kyi bar do the bardo of the place of birth, rmi lam gyi bar do of dream, bsam gtan gyi bar do of meditation, 'chi kha'i bar do of the moment of death, chos nyid kyi bar do of dharmata, srid pa'i bar do of becoming
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