tshe gcig lus gnyis
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worm used to cure plague [JV]
1) tadpole w the upper part of the body like a frog and lower like a fish; 2) animal w 1 metamorphosis [IW]
1) tadpole w the upper part of the body like a frog and lower like a fish [ro mngar la lan tsha, nus pas gnyan nad 'joms]; 2) animal w 1 metamorphosis [egg and bird kyi lus gnyis &, maggot and fly lus gnyis lta bu] [IW]
1 life two body types [1) upper body a frog and lower a fish lcong mo [ro mngar la lan tsha, nus pas gnyan nad 'joms] 2) metamorphosis like egg and bird, maggot and fly [IW]