tshe dbang rig 'dzin
tshe la dbang ba'i rig 'dzin master/ holder of awareness with power over longevity* [RB]
life mastery vidyadhara, Life-power Vidyadhara, attainment of control over life. awareness holder with power over the lifespan [RY]
life mastery vidyadhara, life power vidyadhara, attainment of control over life [IW]
life mastery vidyadhara, Lifepower vidyadhara, attainment of control over life [awareness holder w power over the lifespan GD... sngags rnying ma'i sa lam bgrod tshul rig 'dzin bzhi'i ya gyal zhig ste, mthong ba'i lam bsdus te chos mchog thob pa'i rten de nyid dvangs ma'i lus rdo rje lta bur 'gyur zhing, sems kyang mthong ba'i lam gyi ye shes su smin pas skye 'chi med pa tshe'i rig 'dzin brnyes pa'o] [IW]
attainment of control over life, knowledge-holders with power over life [JV]
Vidyadhara level of life-mastery [RY]
Life-mastery Vidyadhara. The second of the four vidyadhara levels [RY]