zhing skyong

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SK kshetrapala, lokapala [R] [IW]

local guardians [RY]

SK kshetrapala, lokapala [IW]

ksetrapala [RY]

ksetrapala (several-headed beings who dwell in charnel grounds), protectors of sacred places [JV]

ksetrapala. Usually dwell in charnel grounds and have several heads. Lokapala [RY]

SK kshetrapala, lokapala [usually dwell in charnel grounds and have several heads, protector of the buddha field : 1) Notes: according to tr, this term has two uses: to refer to protectors of the buddha fields (e g, gayadhara) and to refer to the more lokapala, worldy protectors. ksetrapala [Tserig]. yul khams or gnas ri skyong mkhan gyi srung ma [IW]