gzas pa

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set about, be on the point of, prepare for, brandish [JV]

effigy. Syn ling ga - nya bo - gzas pa po [RY]

gzas pa, gzas pa, gzas pa, gzas trans. v.; to be about, to be on the point, to prepare [RY]

(tha dad pa kha gtod pa, sdig pa, rtsom pa,//mda' 'ben la gzas pa,//rdung rdeg byed par gzas pa,//bya bar gzas pa,//de la ral gri brdeg par gzas pa na,//thad du gzas pa, be about, be on the point, prepare [IW]

(tha dad pa],, challenge, compete w, face in a certain direction, threaten, rebuke, show, point out, rtsom pa [begin to, undertake, be about to, be on the point of, prepare to * graze, raise, brandish, fan, sift, winnow [IW]