rigs rnam gnyis

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ambhogak ya, 2-fold Buddha, the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family [The enlightened family which naturally abides rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs and the enlightened family of inner growth [[rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs] [IW]

sambhogak ya, 2-fold Buddha, the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family/ gotra [IW]

the two types of affinity, The enlightened family which naturally abides rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs and the enlightened family of inner growth rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs; twofold buddha or enlightened family [RY]

the two types of affinity/ Enlightened Family/ gotra, dvikrama [The enlightened family which naturally abides rang bzhin gnas pa'i rigs prak ti hagotra and the enlightened family of inner growth [[rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs samud n gotra] [IW]

twofold buddha or enlightened family [RY]