ro sreg sa'i thab

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1) help[er] assstance [-ant] [Zla bo'am phan cha,//,//las ka'i rogs byed pa two after a verb polite ! please [phebs rogs,//gzigs rogs] two after a verb particle showing what the action will cause [don med kyi bya ba kho na byas na dka' las che rogs las gzhan gang yang med] friend, companion, associate, assistant [lag rogs,//ngan rogs,//lam rogs,//shag rogs] [IW]

1) help[er] assistance [-ant] * two after a verb particle showing what the action will cause; 3) friend, companion, associate [IW]

aid, help [RY]

friend, companion, associate, assistant [RY]

cooperation, relief, companion, friend, associate, assistant, please help [JV]