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haribhadra, indian buddhist pandit who wrote shar phyin commentary [JV]

Haribhadra, an important Indian scholar of the prajnaparamita. Indian pandita of Yogacara-svatantra-madhyamika school, author of brgyad stong 'grol chen and 'grel pa don gsal Singha Bhadra, Indian disciple of Khenpo Shantarakshita. Indian pandita of Yogacara-svatantra-madhyamika school, author of brgyad stong 'grol chen and 'grel pa don gsal Haribhadra, an important Indian scholar of the prajnaparamita. Singha Bhadra, Indian disciple of Khenpo Shantarakshita [RY]

Haribhadra * Singhbhadra [IW]