bse yab
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bse yab [IW]
bse yab [a kind of medicinal tree, sour and sweet tasting, cool melting, by its power good for bad kan smug po, pho tshad rnying pa etc. syn: dra ba thing slad dang, tsi tsa ni] [IW]
medicinal fruit chaenomeles cathayensis (hemsl.) schneid, fig, kind of sweet and acidulous medicinal fruit [JV]
(med) Quinces. Synonyms : tsi tsa ni, dra ba thing slad (Shel gong), se yab (Molvray 1988 J,G,T)
se yab bad kan tshab sel bar byed / ces par / lcags phreng las / se yab dro bar byed pa yin / zhes dang / rang byung pas / se yab bad kan sel ba skye / zhes gsungs / ming / tsi tsa ni / dra ba thing slad zer / 'khrungs dper / se yab shing sdong che ba la / lo ma che la me tog dkar / gang bu ril mo la 'bras bu'i dbyings / ma ru rtse dang 'dra ba yin / ro ni skyur la yid tsam mngar / rna ba'i nang kyi bdud rtsi yin / zhes pa la mchog dman gnyis / mchog gam pho rigs ni / lho mon gyi mthil nas 'byung ba / lo sdong me tog sogs ku shu 'dra la / 'bras bu bur snying bsgongs pa lta bu'i hril mo'i nang 'bras rus pa mkhregs pa ma ru rtse 'dra ba / dman pa mo rigs ni / sdong po tsher ma lta bu tsher ma can lo ma me tog gong ma mtshungs / 'bras bu star ga sngo rdog 'dra ba nang du tshi gu leb mo mang ba 'byung ba / spu bo sogs kyi tshos kyi skyur khu byed pa thing slad zer ba'o / 'di'i 'bras bu bkas tshal skam pa la / 'dra dper / se yab mi rgan rna mchog 'dra / zhes ba la brten nas / ku shu la byed pa 'khrul / ku shu ro mngar ba dang / se yab skyur bas mi 'dra'o // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 204.3)
Illustrations : Dawa 1999, 'Phrin Las 1987 (26_072) bse yab mchog (26_073) bse yab (26_074) bse yab dman pa (34_070) bse yab. 'Jam-dpal (pdf p 117, 393) se yab mchog, se yab dman pa
1. Chaenomeles lagenaria (Loisel.) Koidz (Rosaceae) Chinese Quince (Wangyal 2020; Wangchuk 2011)
2. Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai (Rosaceae) Quince (Dawa 1999)
3. Pseudocydonia sinensis (Dum.Cours) C.K.Schneid. (Rosaceae) Chinese Quince (Molvray 1988)
4. Tamarindus indica L. (Fabaceae) Tamarind (Molvray 1988 Dh), skt.: tintriṇī (Wojtilla 2002)
Certain sources cited in Molvray (1988) identify the tamarind with bse yab, others with da trig.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 16:18, 5 March 2024 (EST)