gser bye
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golden sand, sand containing gold [JV]
1) med. herb gser bye; 2) gold bearing sand; 3) gold dust [IW]
(med) Vermiculite (Hydrated magnesium iron aluminium silicate). Goldsand (Drungtso 1999, Yeshi 2018)
gser gyi bye mas mkhal nad chu 'gags sel / zhes par / bye mas mkhal nad rtsa nad sel / zhes gsungs pa ni / mtsho phal cher dang / chu che phran dang / rdo 'dzin dkar gyi gseb sogs nas 'byung bas bye ma gzhan dang 'dres pa / zur du gser zhag 'od nyil nyil byed par yod la / chung la zhib pa leb mo srab mthug shog bu tsam pa / kha dog gser shog lta bu 'od dang bcas khar myungs na cung zad lan tshwa ba / sos bltas pas phyi nang mang du bye ba'o / kha dog ser po dang dkar ser bzang / dud kha dang kham pa ngan / rdo brdung ba'am chu'i bye ma bcas blangs la / ka to ra yangs pa'i nang du spyin cung zad bsres pa'i chu bye ma'i sum 'gyur tsam blugs la bsig cing g.yeng bas gser bye zur du bye nas pir sogs kyi byabs la bsags pas len pa yin / 'dra yig dung gi mig las / gser gyi bye ma gser phye thum po 'dra / zhes gsungs pas / nor 'phrang chung yang rmongs srol ngan 'jag 'gar / shing ldum rtsa 'bras zhib mo dang / gtsang rde'u sogs byed pa nor / 'on kyang nus pa go [140] ma log pa tsam yong bar bshad /// (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 139.3)
Illustrations : 'Phrin Las (26_001) gser byed mchog dman (35_057) gser bye
Natural earth medicine. gser bye is identified with Vermiculite, bronze-yellow silicates of layered structure. But native gold sand was also extracted since the antiquity in West Tibet, mentioned by foreign travellers as well as tibetan administrative documents regulating the extraction. Small leatherbags with goldsand were used as currency (tibet-encyclopaedia).
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 10:11, 25 February 2024 (EST)