chu sbur

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drifted wood, thin pieces of wood, chips, chaff floating on water, water-beetle [JV]

chu sbur animal medicine * water bug, ant, driftwood [IW]

[[chu sbur animal medicine [bitter-sweet, heating, good for rtsa'i nad rigs and dri chu 'gags pa sogs la phan] [IW]

(med) Diving beetles (Gyrinus spp, Cybister spp) ('Phrin Las 1987; Czaja 2019; Drungtso 1999)
chu sbur ni / ljong mo myur [ma phyogs?] rta zer / bai sngon las / chu nang du myur bar 'gro ba'i sbur chung zhes pa char chu las grub cing rgas na sbal chung 'gyur te / der tshe gcig lus gnyis dang / sbal ba mjug ma can zer / de phyis sbal bar 'gyur ro / rgud las / sdig srin chu sbur gnyis kyis chu 'gags sel / zhes gsungs so // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, pdf p 288)

Illustrations : 'Phrin Las 1987 (30_109) chu sbur / se sbur / bying bying thu lu / spru ma'i 'bu. Jam-dpal (pdf p 288) chu sbur

In the traditional chinese medicine, species of several genera of diving beetles are used : Gyrinus spp (Whirligig beetles), Cybister spp (Diving beetles). Chu sbur has been proposed as Cybister tripunctatus. The image in the Medical Thangkas could suggest a Gyrinus species.
Jam-dpal in the mDzes mtshar mig rgyan describes and depicts chu sbur in the meaning of tadpole.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 16:50, 12 February 2024 (EST)