rang gi skyon rnams mi mthong zhing gzhan skyon mthong do not see what they themselves do wrong, but they see the faults of others [RY]
blemish [RY]
flaw/ fault; flawed/ faulty (reasoning/ conclusion) [RB]
1) defect, fault, fallacy, falling, flaw, mistake, damage. blemish, defect, shortcoming, harm, imperfection, disadvantage, misfortune, drawback, flaw, illness, trouble. 2) wrong, bad, physically imperfect, bodily defect. 3) to get hurt / harmed / injured / damaged. 4) objection, criticism; flawed / faulty [reasoning]. 5) sin, vice. 6) h. of rgyag. 7) imp. of skyon pa [RY]
I; 1) defect, fault, fallacy, mistake, damage, blemish, defect, shortcoming, harm, imperfection, disadvantage, misfortune, drawback, flaw, illness, trouble; 2) wrong, bad; 3) physically imperfect, bodily defect; 4) get/be hurt/ harmed/injured/ damaged; 4) objection, criticism; 6) sin, vice Ii(7 [h] verbifying particle = byed; 8) skyon pa!; 9) put on top of TSE [IW]
intrinsic defect, shortcoming, defect, wrong, faults, crime, disadvantage, drawback, flaw, vice, bodily defect, lameness, derangement, disorder, spiritual defect, sin, vicious quality, mistake, defect, harm, excessive particle, problem, shortcoming, fault, error, flaw [JV]